

Introducing WinSCP

2023年2月16日 — WinSCP is an open source free SFTP client, FTP client, WebDAV client, S3 client and SCP client and file manager for Windows.


WinSCP(Windows 安全複製)是適用於Microsoft Windows 的免費開源SSH 檔案傳輸協定(SFTP)、檔案傳輸協定(FTP)、WebDAV、Amazon S3 和安全複製協定(SCP) 用戶端。


WinSCP是一个Windows环境下使用 ; 的开源图形化SFTP客户端。同时支持SCP协议。它的主要功能就是在本地与远程计算机间安全的 复制复制 ; 文件。.winscp也可以链接其他系统, ...


WinSCP是一款免費開源的SCP客戶端,運行於Windows系統下,遵照GPL發佈。WinSCP除了SCP,還支援SFTP、FTP、WebDAV、Amazon S3協定。


WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is a free and open-source SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), WebDAV, Amazon S3, and secure copy ...

Table of Contents :

2023年2月16日 — WinSCP is a free file manager for Windows supporting FTP, SFTP, S3 and WebDAV.


WinSCP is a very straightforward and easy-to-use Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program, and it can be downloaded as a portable executable so you can ...

WinSCP :: Official Site :

WinSCP is a popular SFTP client and FTP client for Microsoft Windows! Copy file between a local computer and remote servers using FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP ...

'winscp' tag wiki

WinSCP is an open source free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows. WinSCP is commonly used by developers to upload their code, such as PHP, to web servers.

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PieTTY 進階版 PuTTY Telnet/SSH 遠端連線程式
